Berracho Health & Fitness Dental Marketing Is The Key To Your Dental Clinic’s Growth And Prosperity

Dental Marketing Is The Key To Your Dental Clinic’s Growth And Prosperity

Good Day,

My name is Douglas Cloven; currently, I am the Social Media Strategist for Sony San Diego Studio, a division of Sony Interactive Entertainment.

I have also served as the Social Media Director for Higher Learning Technologies (HLT), a world leader in test preparation apps for various highly educated professionals.

I am very pleased to provide this letter of recommendation for Todd Ferson, and I would like to enthusiastically provide my highest possible recommendation.

I first met Mr. Ferson when I worked as a Social Media Director at Higher Learning Technologies (HLT). At HLT, I saw firsthand how Mr. Ferson, as the company’s strategist and all-around Guru, conceptually planned, guided, dental marketing firm lead HLT from its beginning through its success.

It was at HLT that I first had the opportunity to work with Todd. He was one of the six original founders of the company and its chief strategist. Calling on his extensive business experience, Todd was the key to organizing HLT and guiding its young team from startup to over a 54-million-dollar valuation in less than four years.

Mr. Ferson was the guide that showed us all the way by first-rate planning, leading by example, and showing us how to build a super company with bug-free products that people genuinely care about. Mr. Ferson was HLT’s visionary and planning expert.

I watched when HLT would follow Mr. Ferson’s suggestions great things happened. In my opinion, he is the person singularly most responsible for HLT’s tremendous growth and success.

Mr. Ferson leads with wisdom, insight, and expertise in every area, and he is willing to share freely without any hint of arrogance. When he gives advice, it is with excitement to help, kindness, and sincerity.

Mr. Ferson has seemingly infinite knowledge of business and technology, which he freely and effectively teaches to others. He is the most powerful asset any company or organization could have if they are looking to scale rapidly and do business the right way.

This letter represents my unequivocal recommendation for Todd Ferson to any company looking to grow its team and revenue significantly.

In summary: I consider Mr. Ferson to be the smartest, most knowledgeable, wisest, kindest, and trustworthy person I have ever met.

Sincerely, Douglas Cloven

Social Media Strategist


San Diego Studio [email protected]

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